Hollywood Expungement Lawyer

Criminal Defense Attorney in Hollywood Expungement Lawyer

At Hurwitz Law Group, Inc., our firm holds many years of Los Angeles area criminal law experience. No criminal defense case is too tough for our team. We have helped countless clients facing criminal defense charges throughout the Los Angeles area. Our professionals at Hurwitz Law Group, Inc. know just how to review a unique case and form your needed defense.

At our criminal defense firm, you will be working with an attorney who has extensive experience in similar Los Angeles based cases. At Hurwitz Law Group, Inc., we give the same level of explicit attention to every case from every client in Los Angeles. We know you depend on us to help you get through your criminal defense matters.

While each criminal defense situation is unique, at Hurwitz Law Group, Inc., we know every client needs the best possible representation. We make it a priority to better represent you by getting to know you and your life in Los Angeles.

Use Our criminal defense Lawyers to Help You Out!

Hurwitz Law Group, Inc. thrives on being able to provide thorough and efficient defense for clients facing criminal defense charges in the Los Angeles area. When your back is against the wall, call us at 323-244-4147 to receive assurance and guidance throughout your criminal defense case.

Hurwitz Law Group, Inc.  
6565 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90028

Meet The Lawyer
Brian Hurwitz
Founding Attorney
What Makes Us a Trusted Choice?

Brian Hurwitz Has 10+ Years of Criminal Defense Experience

Our Firm Is Top-Rated & Award-Winning

Affordable Fees and Payment Plans

We Are Available 24/7 for All Clients
Thousands of Cases Handled

We Offer No-Cost, Confidential Phone Consultations

Contact Us
If you or a loved one needs the assistance of our criminal law attorneys, please feel free to contact in the way that is most convenient to you, whether that is calling us at 323-244-4147 or completing the contact form below. All fields are required.

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