Beverly Hills Expungement Lawyer

Criminal Defense Attorney in Beverly Hills Expungement Lawyer

Expungement legal charges can change your entire life in an instant. From the moment you are processed by Beverly Hills police, to your very first appearance in court, you will be living through a stress unlike any you have had to deal with before. At Hurwitz Law Group, Inc., we know how difficult this time can be, so we walk with our clients through every step of the process and ensure they never feel alone.

No matter where you think your case may go, you need an experienced expungement attorney advising your decisions and guiding you through the process. Our goal at Hurwitz Law Group, Inc. is to provide you with as much information as possible, hopefully preventing you from suffering harsh penalties like jail time or excessive fines. Our skilled expungement representation will educate you on Beverly Hills area law and how it relates to you and your case. You can find the quality legal representation you need at Hurwitz Law Group, Inc..

Each expungement situation is different. At Hurwitz Law Group, Inc., we will take the time to look at your individual case, including the circumstances of your arrest, the evidence against you, the availability of legal defenses, your prior criminal history, and other factors. We will always fight for the best possible resolution to your expungement case in the Beverly Hills area court system.

Trust Our Professionals!

The professionals at Hurwitz Law Group, Inc. want to be able to provide to you the counsel and guidance you need in order to get the best results out of your expungement case. We want you to trust us with all your needs in the Beverly Hills area. Give us a call at 323-244-4147 today and learn about what we can do for you. 

Hurwitz Law Group, Inc.
6565 Sunset Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028

Meet The Lawyer
Brian Hurwitz
Founding Attorney
What Makes Us a Trusted Choice?

Brian Hurwitz Has 10+ Years of Criminal Defense Experience

Our Firm Is Top-Rated & Award-Winning

Affordable Fees and Payment Plans

We Are Available 24/7 for All Clients
Thousands of Cases Handled

We Offer No-Cost, Confidential Phone Consultations

Contact Us
If you or a loved one needs the assistance of our criminal law attorneys, please feel free to contact in the way that is most convenient to you, whether that is calling us at 323-244-4147 or completing the contact form below. All fields are required.

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